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Monday, December 31, 2012

Project 2012

Today is the last day of year 2012. Snake year 2013 is just around the corner. Well, the world didn't end as we thought before. So, how was your project 2012?
Profit or loss?

Time to review now...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day!!!

Pandora box? Magic box? Gift box? Chocolate box? 

Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen  would receive gifts from their superiors or employers, known as a "Christmas box".

I wish to get a box too. Full of presents and gifts that I desired the most in my life inside it How I wish. But what I want the most is a box full of courage, faith, hope, luck and happiness. Santa left us after 25th, we should find our own ways to get what we want then. Wishes make us hoping continuously, not for happening or something fall from the sky.

Take note.  알았어?

Friday, December 21, 2012


(Photo Source:

Hey, babies and dudes, there are no end of the world. No such thing at all. Are you disappointed? Are you still hoping? Yup, I wonder why the world didn't end. Why? Why? Why? Why the world didn't take away all the bad guys in my country. I'm still mumbling. 

Girls and boys,don't think too much la =) Sleep earlier and have a sweet dream lol~~~ Happy Winter Solstice lalala~~~

Happy birth day after 5125 years cycle in Mayan Calendar.


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today is 20122012. 
Tomorrow will be the end of the world. I wonder where is my yesterday. I don't know what to say. I have no idea at all in this moment. The time is now 11.11pm. Are you counting down?

You may have 3 choices:
A. Let's celebrate
B. Let's pray
C. Let's go crazy

Hmm.... hahaha. Simply ignore my stupid Q&A. I just want to say if tomorrow never comes or the world finally ends according to the prophecy, my last meal will be 汤圆。Just in case. 

Happy winter solstice. Happy world end day. Happy 20.12.2012. 

再没有时间 能去延后
再没有后路 能去逃脱
再没有备案 没有逃生线索
我突然想到 小的时候
总等着长大 去追的梦
就这么活着 突然西元尽头
却没有一件 真的去做

If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?

Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you're dreamin' of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day

明天世界末日 还有什么没有做 
没作完的梦 能不能用打包带走 



 你听到闹钟声 你推开了抱枕 
 英雄没有出现 奇迹没有发生 
 你只有 苦涩的 即溶咖啡粉 
 你天天看新闻 在等什么发生 
 让人生 再重头 再起死回生 
 地心没有沸腾 陨石没有倾盆 
 只有你 和日子 长满了灰尘 
 期待一趟旅程 精彩万分 
 你却还在等 等到荒废青春 
 用尽体温 才开始悔恨期待一种永恒 
 却怕伤痕 怕碎骨粉身 
 最后还是一个人 没有神 
 你孤独的生存 你才刚出了门 
 你就开始在等 你等着 快回家 回你的围城 
 命运如果有门 名字就叫心门 并不是 能不能 而是肯不肯 
 生命不是过程 而是美丽旅程 风景有 亮和暗 也有爱和恨 
 第一站叫天真 第二站叫青春 
 下一站 的名字 等你去确认 
 期待一趟旅程 精彩万分 
 你却还在等 等到荒废青春 用尽体温 才开始悔恨 
 期待一种永恒 即使伤痕 也奋不顾身 
 也许会有一个人 陪着你 向新人生启程 
 每个灵魂 每个人 每次 劫后余生 每个心跳 每滴泪 在等 绝处逢生 
 如果命运注定你的诞生 如果末日始终没有发生 
 不要等到来生 让此时此刻 能不虚此生 
 期待一趟旅程 精彩万分 
 你却还在等 等到荒废青春 
 用尽体温 才开始悔恨 
 期待一种永恒 即使伤痕 也奋不顾身 
 生命还没有黄昏 下一站 你的第二人生 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I've always been fascinated by kpop songs ... ... and kpop stars too. 

Perfect Lee Seung Gi Style =) Soft and dreamy voice ~~ 

 My favourite ~~ Rating: 

Nice song from Juniel Featuring YongHwa ~~  YongHwa show his muscle in this music video 

Come on, YG, make a music video for Scarecrow please =) 

Watch the music video until the end if you wish to know the whole story. LOL, i miss it a few times until somebody told me to watch until the end *Patiently* Q.Q Surprise!!!

Day by day by T-ara sure can win many awards if not because of the scandal~~ so pity :(  Day by day is nice but i prefer Don't leave more, hahaha ♥ T-ara, do make a comeback stage ~~ Million fans sure waiting for you all 

Don't hate me from EPIK HIGH is awesome as usual ♥ I love this song. 

TVXQ without the other 3 is still handsome and powerful. Keep on going, i will catch up all your new songs sooner or later. TVXQ, my first ever Kpop idol ♥ how can i abandon my first crush ler, haiz ~~~

Replay this song nonstop when i first listen to it ~~ This song is superb because the HARU OST is fantastic with all the shining artist (All handsome and beautiful) ♥ i just can't take my eye off ~.~

My favorite Korea drama, it's a love story comedy. Cry sometimes but laugh a lot, all the OST songs of the drama is damn nice~~ Rating: ♥ DAEBAK 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life of Pi

Life of Pi 《少年Pi奇幻漂流记》

A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor ... a fearsome Bengal tiger.

Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, is a magical adventure story centering on Pi Patel, the precocious son of a zoo keeper. Dwellers in Pondicherry, India, the family decides to move to Canada, hitching a ride on a huge freighter. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean on a 26-foot lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, all fighting for survival. 
Firstly I simply thought this is another commercial 3D movie to catch people's eyes and grab some money form their pocket again. It maybe a little different this time somehow after I saw Ang Lee's name. Ok, it attracts me again to go inside cinema for the little boy and tiger in the name of Ang Lee of course. My friends then asked me out for the movie, so damn agam timing. So, it seems like all have been decided that I was meant to watch this movie la. 

It was a damn amazing and impressive visual effect movie ever. It worth too if you watch in 3D because the CG tiger was damn real just like a real one we saw in National Geography. The movie was talking about life, faith, religion and something deeper which I don't know how to describe...... Hahaha, you can just watch yourself and you get something maybe. Everyone experiences different mindset floating or reflection after the movie. You have your own one too just like I did ... So 
Adult Pi Patel: So which story do you prefer? 
Writer: The one with the tiger. That's the better story. 
Adult Pi Patel: Thank you. And so it goes with God. 
Writer: [smiles] It's an amazing story. 

Let's share out some memorable quotes from the movie:

Adult Pi Patel: All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. 

Santosh Patel: You think tiger is your friend, he is an animal, not a playmate 
Pi Patel: Animals have souls... I have seen it in their eyes. 

Adult Pi Patel: Faith is a house with many rooms. 
Writer: But no room for doubt? 
Adult Pi Patel: Oh plenty, on every floor. Doubt is useful, it keeps faith a living thing. Afterall, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it is tested. 

I am not surprised if Life of Pi would be one of  the most impressive and best movie in year 2012.  
Thank you for the movie before the world ends in 2012. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


有时觉得,每天要对上78个小时的同事,比家人还亲。碰到好同事,那是三世修来的福。否则,只能见招拆招,才有好日子。如果办公室有个神经脆弱、我行我素,责任感近乎零的小草莓,怎么应对? 8大草莓行径,供你参考

没想到, 气超好的行政女王Cheryl,竟然也会对公司里才来不到两个月的小草莓恨得咬牙切齿。我不知道她从学校学的是哪门子算术?说自己领的那点薪水,一天八小时做15项工作,仁至义尽。还大言不惭说,自己很有责任感,完成该做的,没有对不起公司。别人的事,是别人的问题。天啊,她那什么狗屁工作表,每天黏二十几张邮票寄信,也能算一项任务吗!
草莓 这些薪水不高的工作,我只是暂时做,没想过要待一辈子。既然不长久,做好份内的事就够了。等找到薪水更高的工作,我自然会全力以赴
老板 不管他把分内的事做得多好都没有用,这种人很危险,太过个人主义,要重新训练他的团队精神,否则公司内部会分化。

Case02 “扶老婆婆过马路、走错公司,不能准时上班下班约了网球教练、赶去送机,必须准时下班
草莓 以前上大学,时间flexible现在这么规律,要时间调适。很多人巴不得晚点上班;调整一下,不就皆大欢喜
老板 会要求她从其他方面证明自己,例如在迟到早退的上班时间内,见五个客户,或是完成两份计划书。如果真的这么efficient,我可以闭一只眼。

草莓 爸爸妈妈花那么多钱,供我读书,现在出来薪水那么低,怎样向他们交待?而且,我做了调查,跟我同期的朋友,个个比我高薪,我哪里可以输
老板 讲也是一种好事,不然不知道他们在想什么。如果他们交出来的成绩,符合每年的appraisel标准,why not还是要靠实力证明,只会讲有什么用?

草莓 们新人最容易成为的攻击目标,给我们下马威。才进来,就要面对办公室政治,哪里敢指望他们以后教我们。哼,东家不打打西家是对的
老板 可以尝试改变他的观念,不过江山易改,本性难移。教不来的话,只好放弃这种对公司不利的资产。

草莓 个人都有说话的权利,为什么因为怕对方比你,就不把心里话说出来?那样很假,而且都没办法有效沟通
老板 不能忍。全公司的人有样学样,岂不是天下大乱?上司下属多亲,还是要有底线,不然老板很难有效管理。

Dawn是船务协调员,必须全天on call。但公司小草莓,只要一放假,就会自作聪明将电话divert给同事。我最怕草莓放假了,很可能随时接到客户电话,十万火急地要你帮忙救火。已经警告过她很多次,必须事先交待,不可以玩失踪。她却说我们见死不救,没有同事爱。
草莓 工作谁做不都一样?帮忙一下,又不会死。这么拼命,花红会多分我一点?别傻了,还不是上面的大头受益
老板 放假就是她的时间,很难责怪她。但我要求她至少要交待。己所不欲,勿施于人嘛。不然她回来会教训她。

草莓 听多了很乱,我可是高级知识分子,很多事情可以自己解决。错了就当尝试,对了不就代表我会变通吗
老板 不要听也要讲,公司没那么时间给她浪费。不然就委派个前辈盯死她,确保她改进。

草莓 人生除了工作,还有朋友、家人、个人空间。你看西方人,下班就过自己的生活,为什么东方社会不可以?难道要过劳死,才算对得起公司?我又不是签了卖身契
老板 这么计较,见死不救,那就另谋高就吧


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


이승현 생일 축하 합니다!

SeungRi, Happy birthday!

121212 Today is a special day. We never encounter this kind of fengsui date again after this special 12.12.12. Or else just wait for another 100 years. I don't think where I am at that time. Maybe still buried under grounds. That's why I should write something down for the memory of 121212. I have no idea at all. Hmm, what should i write? Then I realize that 12th December is BIGBANG SeungRi birthday. So... ... now you know this post would be label as SeungRi. Such a lucky and young, charming 22 year old boy man had make his life so wonderful and legendary as a famous until make people envy k pop idol. 

I seldom admired 90's idol not because I'm a 80's. Now I found some of the potential 90's artist can be a really good role model for the "not so matured" 90's and also 00's. My number 1 would be Emma Watson, the forever magic girl and book worm in Hodwarts school in Harry Potter series. Number 2 goes to BIGBANG SeungRi. He is an owner for a korean language center (if not mistaken), a singer and also a half comedian (super funny acting in some korea comedian show). I heard he is very good in earning side income (learn from his mum). He is handsome, cool, cute, adorable and sexy. He definitely got the boss look if he doesn't act silly as he always does. 

So, SeungRi, happy 22th birthday before the world ends =) 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be The Best Of Whatever You Are

If you can't be a pine on the top of a hill
Be a scrub in the valley, but be the best little scrub on the side of the hill
Be a bush if you can't be a tree,
If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass
And some highway happier make.
If you can't be a muskie, then just be a bass,
But the liveliest bass in the lake.
We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's big work to do and there's lesser work, too,
And the thing we must do is the near
If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail.
If you can't be the sun, be a star.
It isn't by size that you win or you fail.
Be the best of whatever you are.

---Douglas Malloch

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

六绝招让你成为恋爱高手 (转载)


1 遇到帅哥先看鼻子

2 至少有一到两个蓝颜知己

3 结婚前看准他

4 不要以为自己已经成熟到可以忽略感情

5 永远不要高估自己,永远不要低看他

6 嫁个“有钱人”
