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Friday, March 20, 2015

20 February : Don't believe your horoscope

Aquarius/Pisces Cusp:
are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and receptive to the collective unconscious. They reflect the dual nature of life, reality and non reality, consciousness and the unconscious.  They work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. They are devoted to their goals, but they can be disorganized or procrastinate when faced with difficulties.
Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also makes them aloof from people around them.They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, Aquarius/Pisces may seem cold toward people who don’t share their intellectual orientation to life.Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp may become timid if their emotions are abused too often.They are unique and rebellious people who are driven to change the world. However, they can be shy, quiet and sometimes elusive, refusing to show their true selves.
They are modest and thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable musical talent. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free, as well. The great strength of the Aquarius/Pisces is in their visionary nature and their compassion. They are the people who take the world to the next level; they make others see things in a new light. Their ability to break the rules and help others reach their fullest potential makes them one of the most understanding characters of the zodiac.  ———
Aquarius Pisces Cusp

P/s: Dear, don't believe your horoscope. Trust yourself  Believe, Become & Be Strong 



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