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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Daily Horoscope

Your Daily Horoscope: April 27, 2014


Your Love Horoscope
Your urges are compelling today, Pisces, and for some reason you just can not get your mind off of someone. Whether you are single or attached, you may want someone so bad you can taste it, but figuring out exactly how to be seen in a favorable way can be a problem. The tendency to be too choosy and too critical of what's presented to you can leave you coming up empty handed, so if you cant have your way entirely, have it half way and enjoy what's there. You may be withholding due to some assumptions on your part, why don't you see if they'll meet you halfway, they may be more willing to say yes than you are assuming.

Your Fortune Cookie of the day 
Do not mistake temptation for opportunity. 

Your Daily Life readings
If you are with someone; today will be a harmonious day with them. If you've been waiting to say something to that special someone, today is the day. Love is in the air!
Trust your first instinct, it's usually the right thing to do, and people will praise you for your decision.
You must be achieving your health goals, you're doing great!
Don't buy that high ticket item, work it into the budget first.

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