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Sunday, November 24, 2013



Sunday, November 10, 2013

陈奕迅 《任我行》

陈奕迅 《任我行》

曲:Christopher Chak 
編:Gary Tong 
監:Alvin Leong

天真得只有你 令神仙魚歸天要怪誰
以為留在原地不夠遨遊 就讓牠沙灘裡戲水

那次得你冒險半夜上山 爭拗中隊友不想撐下去
那時其實嚐盡真正自由 但又感到沒趣

不要緊 山野都有霧燈 頑童亦學乖不敢太勇敢
世上有多少個繽紛樂園 任你行

從何時你也學會不要離群 從何時發覺沒有同伴不行
從何時惋惜蝴蝶困於那桃源 飛多遠有誰會對牠操心
曾迷途才怕追不上滿街趕路人 無人理睬如何求生
頑童大了沒那麼笨 可以聚腳於康莊旅途然後同沐浴溫泉

這麼多好去處 漫遊到獨家村去探誰
既然沿著尋夢之旅出發 就站出點吸引讚許

逛夠幾個睡房到達教堂 仿似一路飛奔七八十歲
既然沿著情路走到這裡 盡量不要後退

親愛的 闖遍所有路燈 還是令大家開心要緊
抱住兩廳雙套天空海闊 任你行

從何時你也學會不要離群 從何時發覺沒有同伴不行
從何時惋惜蝴蝶困於那桃源 飛多遠有誰會對牠操心
曾迷途才怕追不上滿街趕路人 無人理睬如何求生
頑童大了沒那麼笨 可以聚腳於康莊旅途然後同沐浴溫泉

親愛的 等遍所有綠燈 還是讓自己瘋一下要緊
馬路戲院商店天空海闊 任你行

從何時開始忌諱空山無人 從何時開始怕遙望星塵
原來神仙魚橫渡大海會斷魂 聽不到世人愛聽的福音
曾迷途才怕追不上滿街趕路人 無人理睬如何求生
頑童大了沒那麼笨 可以聚腳於康莊旅途然後同沐浴溫泉

頑童大了別再追問 可以任我走怎麼到頭來又隨著大隊走

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Not all those who wander are lost

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.” 

O. I have some leisure time to crap a little in my blog since tomorrow is holiday. Malaysia Day. 
O. no more monday blue tomorrow. No more works tomorrow. 
O. It seem so difficult to recover from the past memory. It's painful.
O, I hate myself more than the cruel reality sometimes.
O, forgive me for this kind of bullshit again. I just feel so lost sometimes.

O, photo taken at Uluwatu Temple In Bali, Indonesia on August 27, 2013.

Can this beautiful sunset cure all your wound? O, seem like not all those who wander are lost. I am just wander a little longer compare to the others. Life must go on; i forget just why. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Halo September

Hey you, I brought you the Bali's sky. I was there when the sky was damn blue and beautiful. September is coming. Please be concentrate on the most important thing. Money come first, blog later, study second, and then entertainments, dramas, comic and etc..... Gonna show you the picture and blog a little about the travel reviews but really lack of time. FYI, I have been to Penang, Cherating and Bali within 2 months. Therefore, I have really lack of $$$$$ now and trying to earn more to cover my expenses and endless desire. OK, end of my bullshit today, off to sleep. zzzzzzz_z 

Today status: Productive inefficiency (zero production) n.n

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shall We Talk

Shall We Talk? That's all I want to say to you. 

Shall We Talk 陈奕迅


明月光 為何又照地堂 寧願在公園躲藏 不想喝湯 任由目光 留在漫畫一角 為何望母親一眼就如罰留堂 孩童只盼望歡樂 大人只知道寄望 為何都不大懂得努力體恤對方 大門外有蟋蟀 迴響卻如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk 就當重新手拖手去上學堂 陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏 誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈 難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸 如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多 你別怕我 

螢幕發光 無論什麼都看 情人在分手邊緣只敢喝湯 若沉默似金 還談什麼戀愛 寧願在發聲機器面前笑著忙  成人只寄望收穫 情人只聽見承諾    為何都不大懂得努力珍惜對方 螳螂面對蟋蟀 迴響也如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk 就算牙關開始打震 別說謊 

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏 誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈 難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸 如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多 

陪我講 陪我親身正視眼淚誰跌得多 無法講 除非彼此已失去了能力觸摸 鈴聲 可以寧靜 難過 卻避不過 如果沉默太沉重 別要輕輕帶過 

明月光 為何未照地堂 孩兒在公司很忙 不需喝湯 Shall we talk 斜陽白趕一趟 沉默令我聽得見葉兒聲聲降

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Keep Calm and Just Love

Keep Calm 
Just Love


Thursday, August 1, 2013


If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave. @fb on July 7

The dilemma of humans is that we want to be understood, yet fear being seen through. @fb on June 25 

Dear someone, 

Hey, time passes even though I stare at the clock or the sky praying so hard that it may goes slower. Just a little. The cruel reality make me depressed so much and I can't even lay a finger on anyone. I can't broken the glasses (need money to replace a new one) or kick all those tables and chairs (I will get hurt and it may be painful) or beat my brother sister. (They will sure beat me back that probably end up a bloody result) 

Lol, life seem a little hard to endure most of the time. HAHAHHA, I am still weak compare to your nakama, Luffy. I am procrastinating a lot of works behind until I don't know how to start all over again. And so I let it be. I am watching a lot of brainless korean drama and funny TV shows also until I forget the important things should come first. Yeah, those super flower boy and flower girl catch my eyes all the time. Their charisma is damn attractive and catchy. Sorry for being someone that you still not satisfy enough. Sorry, life. I should treat myself better, and make you better.

#1 The medicine didn't work sometimes. So do my brain, body and soul didn't function well sometimes. XD

#2 I post this to show my self and remind myself I owe somebody the insurance money.  WTF, I am super poor now. And my next trip to bali is just around the corner, there goes my next paycheck. BYE, $$$$$ T.T

#3 This is my little cute cute side income. I wonder when the amount can grow bigger and bigger. :D

#4 Wow, give me 5. The best things I can get for myself is first class. Atleast I deserve a first class, cheers!

#5 RM300 gone to renew passport. I hope it is a good start, a complimentary pass to the world and I need more $$$$$$$ to support me. Dear God and Angels, I hope you hear me. *PRAY PRAY* 

#6 Not to forget the Joey Yap's seminar that taught us Feng Shui and Bazi stuff can be present in different way.   

#7 I won this and it comforts me. HAHAHAHAHAHA 

#8 I watched the incredible funny movie The Despicable me 2. The minions win my heart and it is the best comedian movie at this moment. 
#9 I went to penang also or should I put it this way: I escape to Penang......
#10 Sometimes, people ask for the things that are difficult for us, like it's nothing...

The last sentence I quoted from a drama, people always said brainless dramas cause people sick but I believe there is always something precious and important inside it that makes us think deeply and reflect on our life. 

Please stop becoming like those hated, sick and fake adult. Please. Sorry, it's another boring post. >,<

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dream Big

You mustn't be afraid 
to dream a little bigger, 
♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ 

Think big, dream big
Keep calm and dream big 

Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm gonna become the pirate king !!!

Hi Luffy, 

The long time no see captain, you know I will always be on your side. I hope you get the Mera Mera fruit for the sake of our beloved Ace.

There have been a long time i didn't wrote a single word at all. My lovely May just leaved me yesterday and then I realized the little girl June would be spending her last day with me now. How the times flies and I'm not even get myself to the Grand line and the New world too. 

I don't know what I should brag about. But just in case i would probably forget those terrible and complicated things that happened around in this two months. Maybe I should at least note down one or two things here.

I watched lots of dramas even though people keep on bragging about watching TV especially those brainless soap opera that will poisoning and brainwash our "not so pure"  heart and brain. Whatever la because I don't really care about that. 

For example: Gu Family Book (dragging so much for longer episode until i get bored sometimes), I Hear Your Voice (It's just some charming characters inside that can't take my eyes off and also the awesome storyline), The Queen's Classroom (A reality elementary school life that make your heart trembling), Monstar (The fantastic songs and the flower boys will sure brighten up your day) and the most exciting one goes to Nine: Time Travel Nine Times. 

I notice that the 9-5 working life is still pretty hard to endure. It sounds so pathetic that I have to endure it for the paycheck with so little amount. OK, life is still going on normally just the haze problem getting serious in the end of June. People are getting so irresponsible nowadays for their endless desire and greediness. Yet the innocent ones have to suffer. 

I'm still feeling angry when I think about the unfairness and darkness of the election. I'm still feeling mournful when I think about you and you that went far far away. I'm still waiting, I'm still wondering, I'm still not knowing everything; there's sometimes I'm frustrating and worrying... ... 

I missed the concert and  I missed you too. I miss the concert and I miss you too. 

I'm still too weak to become your Nakama. Just wait a little longer.

July, you are coming. Please be good to me. 

The truth will reveal after sorrow and suffer. We both know the word "I'm gonna become the pirate king" is a powerful faith and spirit that make us keep calm, stay strong and carry on.

Your forever follower, 
a wretch like me, xoxoxo

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

38个诡异的心理学 (转载)

1 一个人喜欢你的程度,一般和他回你短信的速度成正比。

2 据英国《每日邮报》报导:一项研究发现,人们在睡前玩手机,频繁发送电子邮件,会影响睡眠质量,使第二天情绪变差,易焦虑、沮丧。

3 把你所有的不幸总结成一句话,然後问问自己:“3年後,这对你还重要吗?”相信问题就会迎刃而解。

4 照镜子时间长了,会发现镜子里的自己很陌生。

5 喜欢一个人是种感觉,不喜欢一个人却是事实。事实容易解释,感觉却难以言喻。

6 两个男人追一个女人,用情浅的那个先放弃;两个女人追一个男人,用情深的那个先放弃。

7 老师在黑板上写下”woman without her man is nothing”,让学生给这句话加标点。
男生的答案:”Woman,without her man,is nothing.” (女人,如果没了男人,什麽也不是。)
女生的答案: “Woman,Without her,man is nothing.” (女人,没有她,男人甚麽也不是。)

8 在大部分时候,88.8%人哭後情绪能得到改善,只有8.4%的人哭後感觉更糟。70%的人哭泣时不会躲著他人,77%的哭泣是在家里发生的,39%的哭泣发生在晚上,下午6点到晚上8点是最容易掉眼泪的时间段。

9 西班牙Granada大学的心理学家在一项关於儿童教育和死亡概念教育的研究中发现,人的学历越高,越不怕死。这种特徵也会影响到他们的後代。

10 让别人喜欢你的最好方法不是去帮助他们,而是让他们来帮助你。 —— 本傑明·富兰克林效应

11 大量心理学研究发现,结婚越早,婚姻质量越高。但人们更愿意相信自己逻辑:等待的的时间越长,结果越好。

12 英国医学杂誌发表的一篇研究显示:快乐情绪的影响,可远达叁层外的人际关係。认识快乐的人,会让你变快乐的机率增加15.3%,认识有快乐朋友的人,会增加9.8%。

13 心理学研究发现:妻子的容颜,与丈夫的性格和他对妻子的态度紧密相关。心胸宽广,不轻易发脾气的丈夫能够包容迁就妻子,使妻子享受充分的自由。妻子的皮肤更加光滑细腻,不易衰老,经常容光焕发。

14 心理学认为,从背後主动拥抱对方代表一种保护,表示拥抱者愿意主动给予被拥抱者爱与关怀。所以,采用这种睡姿,就代表这个人愿意给你爱的承诺,并且能从这种主动呵护和疼爱中感到幸福。

15 毁掉一首好歌最好的方法就是把它设为起床闹铃。

16 男人主动吻女人是突发事件,女人主动吻男人是预谋事件。法国《女性》杂誌最新研究发现,在潜意识里,每个女人都希望被自己爱的男人拽住,摁在墙上强吻,这会给她们带来更多快感。

17 男人通常不喜欢吵架,也不主动吵架,但他们擅长令女人忍无可忍找他们吵架。

18 关係越好的,往往是越爱损你的。和她说话时,你总是能自动屏蔽那些不爱听的。你的毛病她永远比你更清楚。碰到你以前喜欢过的人,她总是特别激动地喊你快看。有了小秘密,总是第一个想跟她分享。其实最关心你的,永远是那个最爱打击你的。

19 口袋装著刚买的手机,在公车上生怕被盗,每隔一段时间就去查看手机是否还在……可是手机最终还是被偷走了。

20 美国心理学家称:男生和女生分别有6种基本的爱情需求。男生:信任、接受、感激、讚美、认可、鼓励。女生:关心、理解、尊重、忠诚、体贴,安慰。

21 炫耀源於内心的不自信。心理学认为“爱向别人炫”是一种内心需要被关注被肯定的表现,很可能是因为某种东西自己不常有,一旦拥有,就希望藉以外界的羡慕来建立自信。

22 如果某个男人主动替你拎包,把你放在道路的里边走,主动为你拉椅子。不要因此而感激涕零,这只能说明他之前有无数个女朋友教过他这一点。而能让他记住的女人,永远是改变他的那个,而不是你。所以,越是细节完美的男人,对女人而言越是挑战。

23 麦兜说:有事情是要说出来的,不要等著对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什麽,等到最後只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。

24 心理学研究显示:男人一天平均说2000个词,女人一天要说7000个词。工作一天,老公的那2000个词在公司就说完了,回家只想休息。而老婆还有5000个词没说呢,总要把它说完才能睡吧。然後很多悲剧就这样产生了。

25 心理学上说,人们大多数只对有安全度的人发脾气。因为在那个安全度之内。你潜意识知道对方不会离开你。胡闹有时候是一种依赖。

26 女人在床上流的泪,比在任何一个地方多。男人在床上说的谎,也比在任何一个地方多。 ——张小娴

27 心理学说:凡是习惯咬吸管的女人,性慾强烈,一般的男人恐怕吃不消。所以,交女朋友之前,先请她喝奶茶吧。

28 美国一项调查显示,大部分女人愿意15个月不Make Love,以此交换一柜子新衣服。这说明,在男人心里,兄弟如手足,女人如衣服。而在女人心里,男人连衣服都不如。

29 心理常识:贝勃规律。原本1元的报纸变成了10元一份,你一定会感到无法接受;相比较而言,原本5000元的电脑涨了50元,你应该不会有这麽大的反应。

30 男人爱你的时候总会觉得你笨,处处要他担心;反之,他不爱你的时候,会觉得你聪明伶俐,不劳任何人操心…

31 调查显示:考完试检查的时候,55%的人认为改答案会损害成绩,只有15.5%认为会改善。但实际的情况是:58%把答案改对了,20%把对改错了,还有22%把错的改错了。

32 科学家认为,男人与女人第一次见面,关注持续的时间决定了两人是否能相爱。如果一个男人在第一次见面时关注女人的时间超过8.2秒,那麽他就已经不止被吸引了。

33 婚姻幸福可帮助女性减压。

34 移动家具可以改善心情。

35 人在饿的时候爱乱花钱。

36 独身者早死率比已婚者高一半。

37 爱脸红的人更容易被原谅。

38 最不想来参加聚会的人,正是大家都希望能来聚会的人;最不想来认识新朋友的人,正是大家最想认识的人。这是蒸发冷却效应的奇妙之处。


Saturday, May 11, 2013


Ladies & gentleman,
Mark your calendars!!!
G-Dragon World Tour 2013 >>> One Of A Kind >>> in  Malaysia will be happening this 22nd June  2013 at Bukit Jalil National Stadium Kuala Lumpur.
Date: 22nd June 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: Stadium National Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.

The leader and producer of BIGBANG. The very person that has produced lots of hit songs of BIGBANG such as ´Lies´ ´Last Farewell´ ´Haru Haru´ and ´Tonight´. Cultivating the ability as a trainee of YG Entertainment from the age of 13, G-Dragon has grown as the main producer of YG and contributed much to success of BIGBANG. His first solo album released in 2009 recorded the album sales record of up to 300,000 discs and demonstrated unlimited potential as a solo singer with the largest sales record as a sole male singer for the year. His sense of fashion also attracts attention of people in addition to music. Costume, shoes and accessories of G-Dragon at the stage are instantly sold out or bring in copy products, demonstrating the attraction as a trendsetter of the fashion industry. In addition, G-Dragon is also loved much overseas as he is the only person selected as “50 Reasons Why Seoul is the Best City” by CNN.

Read more:

 Ticket Sales
Categories Available:

Cat 1 (VIP): RM 588 [With Complimentary Autographed Poster]
(VIP tickets can only be purchased at fahrenheit88 on 11th May. All remaining VIP tickets will be sold via Redtix and Ticketcharge channels from 12 May onwards.)

Cat 2 (Premier Rockpit): RM 488
Cat 3 (Fixed-by-row Seating): RM 388
Cat 4 (Free Standing): RM 188 (Only sold via Redtix)
  • A maximum of 8 tickets will be allowed for purchase.

Location: Fahrenheit88 Concourse, Ground Floor, 179 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ticketson sale: 11 May 2013, 10.00am – 5.00pm
Payment:Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash
Concierge: +603 2148 5488
Tickets on sale: 11 May 2013, 2pm onwards
Outlets: For list of Redtix outlets, please refer to Redtix website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

Tickets on sale: 11 May 2013, 2pm onwards
Outlets: For list of Ticketcharge outlets, please refer to Ticketcharge website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

*Overseas fans can purchase tickets online via Ticketcharge and Redtix with a credit card (Visa and Mastercard) 
Note: For the category of tickets available via Ticketcharge and Redtix, please refer to their respective websites.


By Car
The main parking area of Stadium Nasional will not be accessible to the public. Please find an alternative parking arrangement.

By Public Transport
The closest train station is Bukit Jalil LRT on the Ampang Line. The other landmark near Stadium Nasional is the Stadium Putra.



You're rockin' my life away~~
The man & his VIP world ~~ Welcome to GD's world

Monday, May 6, 2013

《不相信》——龙应台 (转载)














Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Birthday

Dear my precious mummy,
Wishing you a day
as sunny as your smile,
as warm as your heart,
a day as wonderful as you are. 

Happy Birthday mom!

Thursday, April 11, 2013





Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013



作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信  編曲:五月天

有一天 我在想 我到底 算是個什麼東西
還是我 會不會 根本就不算東西

天天都漫無目的 偏偏又想要證明 真理
別人從屁股放屁 我卻每天每天的說要革命

就算是這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 有什麼了不起

常常我 豁出去 拼了命 走過卻沒有痕跡
可是我 從不怕 挖出我火熱的心

手上有一個硬幣 反面就決定放棄 嗝屁
但是啊在我心底 卻完完全全不想放棄

就算是這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 有什麼了不起

常常我 閉上眼睛 聽到了海的呼吸 是你
溫柔的藍色潮汐 告訴我沒有關係

就算真的這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 我不能忘記

無論是我的明天 要去哪裡 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓他去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起有什麼了不起


Sunday, February 24, 2013

