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Monday, November 14, 2016

[美劇] The Walking Dead 2016 | Season 7

⚠ Spoilers Alert! 小心剧透 

Every episode. Every walker kill. Every day this week.

The Walking Dead #TWD Season 7 Returns Oct 23 @AMC 

"People you love, they made you who you are.”

Episode One : The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Eeny meeny miny moe

Bet ya thought you were all going to grow old together, sitting around the table at Sunday dinner in the happily ever after. No... doesn't work like that Rick. Not anymore.

Episode 2 : The Well

在乱世里,没有什么儿女情长个人恩怨情仇比活着本身更重要。Morgan和身负枪伤的Carol前进中,一番追逐、行尸出现、Carol出现幻觉、几番打斗、晕过去、再醒来已是两天后的事情。我见过超有型的隆重登场就是领导Kingdom的King Ezekiel,陛下豢养了一只特别的宠物。一只名为Shiva的老虎! King Ezekiel 大概像是时势造英雄的氛围下产生的,一个动物管理员摇身变成国王的童话。失去信念的人们需要安全感、仰赖膜拜信仰让他们远离现实活得自在心安。

People want someone to follow. Its the human nature. They want someone to make them feel safe. People who feel safe are less dangerous, more productive. They see a dude with a tiger, they start telling stories about finding it in the wild. Wrestling it into submission, turning it into his pet. They make the guy larger-than-life. A hero! Who am I to burst their bubble?

Episode 3 : The Cell


Now, Dwight gave you some options. I don't think you get it yet. So I'm gonna break it down for you. You get three choices. One. You wind up on the spike, and you work for me as a dead man. Two. You get out of your cell, you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead. Or three. You work for me. You get yourself a brand new pair of shoes, and you live like a king! The choices seems pretty obvious. You should know, there is no door number four. This is it. This is the only way. 

Episode 4 : Service 

Rick Grimes: I'm not in charge anymore. Negan is. 

Episode 5 : Go Getters


The title of this episode refers to how Alexandria, Hilltop and The Kingdoms jobs are to go and get things for the Saviours.

When Maggie tells Gregory to remember her name, she says 'Maggie Rhee' instead of 'Maggie Greene'. Taking Glenn's last name from their union.

Episode 6 : Swear

Tara Chambler: If you keep seeing everyone as an enemy, then enemies are all you're gonna find.

Cyndie: Nobody's evil. They just decide to forget who they are.

Episode 7 : Sing Me a Song 


There are rules for a reason. Nothing matters if your dead.

Episode 8 : Hearts Still Beating

Episode 9 : Rock in the Road 

Episode 10 : New Best Friends

Episode 11 : Hostiles and Calamities

Episode 12 : Say Yes 

Episode 13 : Bury Me Here

Episode 14 : The Other Side 

Episode 15 : Something They Need 

Tara终于为了复仇大计把蜗居在海边旅馆的女儿国供了出来。有时候为了大局,就必须有所牺牲。就算是活生生的人命,也一样难逃命运。幸好这集没有任何人死亡,除了那个想要对Sasha伸出魔爪的白痴。Negan毫不留情把那些没用的手下刷掉了。所以作为对手或敌人,Negan确实是实力势力能力爆发力兼具的超强Big Boss. Cyndie把奶奶Natania敲晕的时候,表示她内心也想要摆脱Negan曾经带给她们的梦魇。有多少人开始动摇了,他们并没有忘记深爱的人在眼前死去却无能为力的痛苦。他们也恐惧,卑微怯弱地得过且过,表面一切如常,可内心其实和行尸走肉也一样布满坑洞血肉模糊。Sasha和Eugene之间的对话耐人寻味,山雨欲来风满楼,战争一触即发。然后,传说中的D又出现了,加入Rick的战队。

Episode 16 : The First Day of the Rest of Your Life